🇮🇹 Cascina Montagnola

🇮🇹 Cascina Montagnola

“Through wine, I discovered myself. I discovered a world that allowed me to be me.”
— Donatella Giannotti

Terrestoria has found a natural partner in Donatella Giannotti, one of the world’s few vintners who produce wines from the Timorasso grape. Native to the Tortona Hills, an area known in antiquity as Derthona, Timorasso came close to extinction as recently as the 1980s. But thanks to indie wineries such as Cascina Montagnola, this fascinating, if often laborious, white grape is making a resounding comeback. And Cascina Montagnola’s bounty does not stop there.

This southeastern corner of Piedmont also happens to display stunning vocation for other varieties. Two of our favorites—Rodeo Barbera from post-war era vines which is an epiphany for anyone who thinks that Piedmont is defined by Nebbiolo alone, and the exquisitely balanced Sornione late-harvest Sauvignon Blanc which now available at state wine stores.

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Morasso \ Colli Tortonesi (Derthona)

Sold by the six-bottle case by DABS special order: SKU 953311 $36.99/bottle

Rodeo Old-vine Barbera \ Colli Tortonesi DOC

Sold by the six-bottle case by DABS special order: SKU 952638 $36.99/bottle


Cascina Montagnola Sornione late-harvest Sauvignon Blanc

Sornione Late-Harvest Sauvignon (500 ml)

Now available at state wine stores! SKU 955294 $35.50/bottle

 🇮🇹 Alepa

🇮🇹 Alepa

🇮🇹 Chiara Condello

🇮🇹 Chiara Condello